Fold em and go - These reusable bags are the perfect size for a shopping trip for 1-2 people. For larger shopping trips try our FAMILY size. Each dispensing travel pouch holds ten (x10) bags and features a carabiner clip, coupon pouch and can fit in a purse or clip to a shopping cart. When it is time to checkout no need to fumble with zippers or pull-strings, simply pinch the top bag through the dispensing slit and pull one bag out at a time. When you have finished putting your groceries away, just unzip the pouch completely and lay it on your counter to reload. Unhook the velcro strap and lay your flattened bags back in the pouch. If any bags remain in the pouch, you can place new ones on top of the ones already in place. Reattach the velcro strap, fold the pouch in half and zip it up fully. Your bags will always be flat, organized and ready to for their next use!